Cloud Cost OptimizationCloud Cost Optimization Hero

Empower your Businesses to Command Costs and Drive Unstoppable Cloud Cost Optimization

CloudThrottleTM provides a proven solution for Cloud Cost Control to utilize the real power of Pay-as-you-go Cloud Model without investing in a Cloud native long-term Savings Plan

Why Choose Cloudthrottle?

3 Exceptionally Simple Ways to save Cloud Waste using CloudThrottle

Monitor Cloud Resource Spendings

Track Resources

Cloud optimization is aided by the tracking of resources. Actively tracking all the Resources across all your accounts in a single place is challenging. CloudThrottle provides a unified solution to capture all the resources across Cloud Accounts, maps, and manages all the products and services.

Imports all your resources across the accounts
Tracks all your Applications/Products and Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
Maps Applications and CSP to accounts
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Manage Spending

Cloud Financial Management is about monitoring your spending and what you get in returns using effective metrics. Fundamentally, you need to measure what you are managing.

Create and Monitor Budget
Setup Threshold Alerts
Get real time Spending's
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Manage Cloud Spending
Optimize Cloud Capacity

Optimize Capacity

Identify Resources which are not required during non peak hours or off hours, and actively manage the resources status using Scheduler to reduce cloud cost.

Identify Resources that are not required during non peak or off hours, and actively manage the resource's status using Scheduler to reduce cloud cost.

Identify low utilized or non working hour resources.
Create Schedule to Start and Shutdown resources through CloudThrottle Scheduler.
Scheduler actively manages the resources based on the schedule.
Learn More: Read our case study on optimizing federal cloud expendituresusing the CloudThrottle Resource Scheduler to see how we achieved significant cost savings and improved resource utilization.
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What We Do?

CloudThrottle offer is specifically designed
to meet your
Cloud Cost Optimization Solution.

CloudThrottle provides a unified console that actively manages and applies throttling to your Cloud usage cost. Cloud Throttling offers an effective method for governing and limiting how users can access and utilize cloud resources, ensuring optimal resource allocation and cost management. CloudThrottle Optimizer Tool is available in SaaS-based solutions or self-hosted on your environment, so your data remains private and under your infrastructure. CloudThrottle Cloud Cost Optimizer Tool offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and utilize its powerful features. Embrace the power of engineering optimization to effectively address complex optimization problems right from the start. Its minimal learning curve ensures you can confidently utilize it from day one, unlocking your full potential in problem-solving.

More Details
Cloud Account Management

Cloud Account Management

Manages all your accounts in under Centralized interface and Tag them properly for resource tracking.
Provision New Cloud Accounts Icon

Provision New Cloud Accounts

Provision new account with default setup stack under your Master Account.
Cloud Application Management

Manage Product/Application

Effectively handle product/application information, aligning it with corresponding accounts to enhance visibility and data visualization.
Cloud Financial Management Icon

Financial Management (FinOps)

Successful FinOps, a cloud financial management, entails real-time budget allocation, tracking, enforcement of threshold and alerts. This ensures optimal cloud spending and cost efficiency.
Cloud Capacity Management

Capacity Management

Efficiently handle resource capacity and enable automatic shutdown when not needed across all your cloud accounts from a Centralized interface in real time.
Cloud Usage Cost Visualization Icon

Cloud Usage Cost Visualization

Unlock the potential of CloudThrottle's Cloud Cost Modeler, where cloud-native solutions and cutting-edge machine learning (AI) technology converge to offer a comprehensive Multi-cloud cost visualization dashboard.
Track Cloud Resource Spendings and Cloud Cost Optimization

Customer Satisfaction

We make your Cloud Spending Stress-free for you to have control over on your project.

CloudThrottle is a unified solution to provide predictable Cloud spending and actively manages your Budget, Burn-rate, Cloud resource On/Off Status and Create new account without login to Master Console.

CloudThrottle is an established framework that effectively oversees fixed-price projects, preventing unexpected excessive spending. Efficiently reduce your environment's Cloud Waste by 60% without needing upfront investment in a long-term cloud native savings plan.

It provides a comprehensive level of detail in Product/Application management, Vendor management, and Charge Code management including Program Project Account (PPA) mapping. Integrating with our Cloud-Cost-Modeler delivers invaluable insights into the overall Cloud consumption. These insights can be leveraged to facilitate Cloud Cost modeling and enable effective IT budget planning.

Read our case study on Revolutionizing Cloud Budget Control for Government Agenciesto see how CloudThrottle helped achieve budget predictability and control.

What Makes Us Different?

We bring solutions to make life easier for our customers.

Intuitive Unified Console

CloudThrottle seamlessly connects with Cloud Accounts, offering a platform to manage diverse applications. This integration enables users to engage with and manage various components or features, including Cloud Cost Optimization, from a single, centralized location.

Affordable Pricing

Pricing is based what features needed, number of cloud resources or budgets your organization required to manage Cost control unlike other Cloud Cost Management and Optimization Tools we don't charge on billing cost.

Simplifies Cloud enablement

CloudThrottle simplifies Cloud enablement and promotes stress-free cloud spending by seamlessly adopting and integrating cloud computing technologies and services into an organization's IT infrastructure and business operations.

Cloud Experts

We are AWS Advanced Partners, Resellers and Cloud Integrators. CloudThrottle Developed by leveraging extensive years of experience and knowledge in Cloud billing data to control usage cost, burn rate, and cost optimization.
CloudThrottle Intuitive Unified Console
Rapid Cloud Cost Saving Solution
Cloud Cost Saving Solution at Affordable Pricing
Have Questions?
If you have any questions or need more information about CloudThrottle, please visit our FAQsto find answers to common queries about our features, technology, and more.

Clients & Partners

UNISYSKIOT InnovationsKeylogicJoe Singh & AssociatesDataDogIIAHalvikGDITAWS Advanced PartnerMicrosoft Azure partnerGoogle Cloud PartnerDynatraceDataDog
UNISYSSAICKIOT InnovationsKeylogicJoe Singh & AssociatesIT AmericaMicrosoft Azure partnerHalvikGDITAWS Advanced PartnerMicrosoft Azure partnerGoogle Cloud PartnerDynatraceDataDog

Our Pricing

We offer great prices, proven products and quality service for your business.

As low as


Per Resource/month*

Cost Optimization

Account Management
Create New Account
Finance management
Cost Optimization
User management
24/7 Support
*Billed Annually
Start Risk-Free 60-Day Trial,
"Save Billion Dollar Cloud Waste"
As low as


Per Budget/month*

Cost Management

Account management
Create New Account
Finance management
Cost Management
User management
On Call Support
*Billed Annually
As low as


Contact for Pricing

Cost Control

Account management
Create New Account
Cost Management
Cost Optimization
User management
Premium Support
*Billed Annually
As low as


Contact for Pricing

100% Private Hosting

Account management
Create New Account
Cost Management
Cost Optimization
User management
*Billed Annually

Talk to an expert

Discover the benefits of our 'Cost Management' Plan with a No-Risk 60-Day Trial.

Got queries? Speak directly to an expert for answers.
Call us at +1 571-295-7776.


All SaaS tier pricing is billed annually for a minimum of 75 Resources/Month* or equivalent dollar amount.

* Volume discounts are available, please call +1 571-295-7776

Feature Comparison

Feature Comparison Chart



Cost Optimization

Cost Management



Create New Account
Create a New Account under the established CSP's Master Payer Account Organization through the CloudThrottle Unified Interface.
Account Management
Add an existing account to the CloudThrottle system.
Product Management
Add  Product or Application details to assign it to your Cloud Account.
Vendor Management
Add Cloud Vendor / Reseller details and their offerings.
ChargeCode/PPA Tracking
Charge Code / Program, Project, and Activities (PPA) Code helps track and manage costs.
Finance Management
Associate Charge code/PPA to Account, Product, and track allocated costs or expenses.
Master Mapping
Master Mapping illustrates connections to different data components within the system, including Accounts, Products, Vendors, charge codes, and Budgets...
Dash Board
Displays a graphical report of system status, including the number of accounts monitored, budget threshold status, and other key metrics
Alerts & Notifications
Provides updates on system status, connection status, and any associated network issues.
User Management
Create and Delete Users, roles and permissions, password reset, etc.
Cost Optimization
Comprehensive Cloud Resource Management, encompassing extensive resource scheduling, enables organizations to improve cost optimization and effectively manage the uptime of their cloud resources, thereby preventing Cloud Waste.
Cost Management
Comprehensive Cloud Budget Management and Monitoring - Configure and Administer Budgets, Thresholds, and Budget Management across multiple stages, and more.
Email Support
All your email inquiries will be responded to within 24 hours.
On Call Support
On-call support, available from 9 AM to 8 PM EST, ensuring personalized and efficient assistance during these hours for all your needs.
Premium Support
Immediate On-call support from 9 AM to 8 PM EST, ensuring personalized and efficient assistance to support Cloudthrottle issues.
Bring Your Own Equipment (BYOE) software offers a customizable and self-hosted solution, enabling organizations to maintain complete control over their data and infrastructure.